Health Expectations (Dec 2019)

Usability and feasibility of multimedia interventions for engaging patients in their care in the context of acute recovery: A narrative review

  • Jo McDonall,
  • Anastasia F. Hutchinson,
  • Bernice Redley,
  • Patricia M. Livingston,
  • Mari Botti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 6
pp. 1187 – 1198


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Abstract Purpose The purpose of this narrative review was to examine the usability and feasibility of multimedia intervention as a platform to enable patient participation in the context of acute recovery and to discover what outcomes have been measured. Data sources A narrative review of primary research articles identified through a search of four electronic databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE and PsycInfo) identified peer‐reviewed research evidence published in English language with no limitation placed on time period or publication type. Two authors independently assessed articles for inclusion. From the 277 articles identified through the search, 10 papers reporting the outcomes of seven studies were included in this review. Review methods Articles were independently assessed for quality and relevance by two authors. The most appropriate method for data synthesis for this review was a narrative synthesis. Results From the narrative synthesis of study outcomes, two findings emerged as follows: (a) multimedia interventions are feasible and usable in the context of acute care, and (b) multimedia interventions can improve patients’ perception of care‐related knowledge. Identified gaps included a lack of evidence in relation to the effect of interventions on enhancing patients’ ability to participate in their care and the impact on patients’ health‐related outcomes. Conclusions In conclusion, there is some evidence of the feasibility and usability of multimedia interventions in acute care. That is, patients can use these types of platforms in this context and are satisfied with doing so. Multimedia platforms have a role in the delivery of information for patients during acute recovery; however, the effectiveness of these platforms to engage and enhance patients’ capability to participate in their recovery and the impact on outcomes needs to be rigorously evaluated.
