Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (Dec 2006)
Les images d’enfermement dans John Marchmont’s Legacy de Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s novel John Marchmont’s Legacy was serialized in Temple Bar from December 1862 to January 1864. I am principally interested here in presenting the frequently used images of imprisonment, physical as well as social. Indeed this text allows Miss Braddon to throw light on the position of middle-class Victorian women in a patriarchal and particularly oppressive world. If, in this story, the reader can see an attempt at refusing or revolting against a paradoxical ideological discourse, Miss Braddon eventually aimed at opening women’s world by subverting traditional roles and making male protagonists experience female suffering and boredom. Intertextuality is also a powerful way of opening the text on others such as Tennyson’s ‘Mariana’ or Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and voicing a growing feeling of dissatisfaction against an imposed and inappropriate role for women.