Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości (Apr 2021)
Assurance on non-financial reporting: theoretical underpinning, standards and practices of companies operating in Western and Eastern Europe
Objective: The paper presents the issue of non-financial information assurance and identifies the practices of companies operating in Europe in this regard. Methodology/research approach: The research is based on a literature review and analysis of a sample of 935 companies whose non-financial reports, prepared according to the GRI guidelines, are available from the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database. In particular, we analyze how many companies had their non-financial information verified in 2017 and their previous practice in this regard (since 2005), as well as their structure according to the assuror type, the assurance standard used, the engagement type, and the assurance scope. Findings: Nearly half of the companies had their non-financial information independently and externally verified, including 34 Eastern European companies (30%) and 426 from Western Europe (52%). Most of the entities which provide assurance are so-called Big Four audit companies, mainly Deloitte and E&Y, which use the ISAE 3000 standard for this purpose. The most common engagement type is limited engagement. Limitations: The study is descriptive, which results from the nature of the data collected and the large disparity between companies using assurance in Western and Eastern Europe. Originality/value: The Article broadens accounting knowledge, in particular, on non-financial reporting. It indicates the need to take steps towards the wider use of non-financial information assurance in Eastern Europe.