Journal of Interactive Media in Education (Apr 2004)
Commentary by Dai Griffiths and Rocío García on Littlejohn, A. (2003) Reusing Online Resources, Chapter 5: Combining re-Usable Learning Resources to Pedagogical Purposeful Units of Learning, by Rob Koper
Abstract: The first part of this review discusses the issues raised in general terms, focusing on a contradiction in educational practice identified by the author. It is proposed that this is disguised by the pervasive "conduit" metaphor for communication, and in the face to face context partially resolved by the interventions of teachers. The specific approach described by the author is then discussed in the light of these comments. In particular the distinction between resources and Learning Objects is discussed. The need for a three level hierarchy of resources, Learning Objects and Units of Learning is identified as an issue for debate.This stimulating and authoritative chapter raises a number of major issues related to eLearning, Learning Objects, and reuse of resources. In order to place this debate in its context I would like to start by making some general remarks on the nature of the problem, and the metaphors which we use when trying to make sense of it.Editors: Allison Littlejohn and Simon Buckingham Shum.