Revista Paulista de Pediatria (Feb 2024)
Patients' prognosis with congenital heart disease followed by ten years: survival and associated factors
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prognosis and influence of associated factors in patients with congenital heart disease admitted for the first time to the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio/Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, especially those factors associated with death. Methods: Patients were prospectively and consecutively allocated over a period of one year (August 2005 to July 2006). Now, 15 years after the initial selection, we collected data from these patients in the database of the Cytogenetics Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre and in the medical records of the hospital. Results: Of the 96 patients, 11 died and 85 were alive until 20 years old. Four patients died in the Intensive Care Unit. The survival probability up to 365 days of life was 95.8%. The survival assessment identified that the deaths occurred mainly before the patients completed one thousand days of life. We found that complex heart disease was independently associated with an odds ratio of 5.19 (95% confidence interval — CI:1.09–24.71; p=0.038) for death. Conclusions: Knowledge about the factors that interfere with the prognosis can be crucial in care practice planning, especially considering that congenital heart disease is an important cause of mortality in the first year of life.