Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Естественные науки (Mar 2024)
The effect of mineral and microbiological fertilizers on microbocoenosis of meadow-chernozem soils
Background. The question of the effect of mineral and microbiological fertilizers on the composition and abundance of bacteria and soil fungi remains an urgent area of research, which is explained by the lack of knowledge of microbial communities on different types of soils, on the one hand, as well as the complexity of processes and interactions in soil biocenoses, on the other. The purpose of the research is to determine the number of microorganisms and fungi in meadow-chernozem soil, depending on the application of mineral and microbiological fertilizers to identify optimal preparations. Materials and methods. Soil samples were taken at the collection site in the agrocenosis of lentils, before sowing and during the flowering phase – the formation of beans in three-fold repetition. Complex universal fertilizer with sulfur APAVIVA® NPK(S) 15:15:15(10) was applied to the soil before sowing, and microbiological fertilizers were used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds of lentil plants on the day of sowing. Meat-peptone and starch-amicized agarized nutrient media prepared according to standard methods were used. Sowing was carried out in depth in a three-fold repetition. Results. The impact of micro-fertilizers on the number of microorganisms and fungi on soils with and without mineral fertilizers has been assessed. The analysis of the composition of microorganisms under the influence of the use of fertilizers was carried out. Conclusions. A reliable effect of the combined use of mineral and microbiological fertilizers on the total microbial number has been established. The influence of 7 types of microbiological fertilizers on the background of mineral fertilizers on the number and composition of soil microorganisms is assessed.