Annals of Applied Sport Science (Dec 2016)
Does Core Stability Training Affect Fundamental Movement Skills in Low Proficiency Children? Evaluation of Performance Process
The present study investigated the effects of 8-weeks of core stability training on fundamental movement skills in children with low proficiency in both locomotor and object control skills. By using a semi-experimental research design. 30 elementary boy students (means age= 8.89 years, SD= 1.06) were recruited and organized in training (n= 15) and control group (n=15). Fundamental movement skills were measured before and after the training period using the test of gross motor development – 2nd (TGMD-2). In comparison with control group, results showed significant improvement in both locomotor (P<0.05) and object control (P<0.05) skills in training group. In conclusion, results suggest that core stability training may enhance locomotor and object control performances in children who have low proficiency in fundamental movement skills performance.