Information (Aug 2020)
A Method of Human Activity Recognition in Transitional Period
Human activity recognition (HAR) has been increasingly used in medical care, behavior analysis, and entertainment industry to improve the experience of users. Most of the existing works use fixed models to identify various activities. However, they do not adapt well to the dynamic nature of human activities. We investigated the activity recognition with postural transition awareness. The inertial sensor data was processed by filters and we used both time domain and frequency domain of the signals to extract the feature set. For the corresponding posture classification, three feature selection algorithms were considered to select 585 features to obtain the optimal feature subset for the posture classification. And We adopted three classifiers (support vector machine, decision tree, and random forest) for comparative analysis. After experiments, the support vector machine gave better classification results than other two methods. By using the support vector machine, we could achieve up to 98% accuracy in the Multi-class classification. Finally, the results were verified by probability estimation.