Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Nišu (Jan 2016)
Consent of the injured party and similar legal arrangements
In civil law theory, consent of the injured party is considered as a legal institute that leads to exclusion from liability for the wrongdoing. This actually means that, when someone consents for damage to be caused, the person who actually caused the damage shall not be required to compensate it. Besides being a fact that leads to the exclusion of liability, consent of the injured party is also regarded as a legal arrangement. This paper discusses the relations between the concept of the injured party and legal institutes which have identical or similar legal effects. The author first analyzes the relationship between the consent of the injured party and the institute of debt relief, and the relationship between the consent of the injured party and the agreement on the exclusion of liability. The provided analysis focuses on similarities and differences between each of these legal institutes. The precise differentiation between legal institutes is an essential prerequisite for proper application of legal norms they are made of. In this research, the author used the standard legal research methods both in the process of gathering data and in the verification process. The normative method has been applied in reviewing the legislative acts that regulate this matter and a significant number of scientific papers on this issue. In addition to taking advantage of the abstraction and generalization method, the analysis provided in this paper is primarily based on the synthesis of the comparative and systemic approach, as the key methods applied in the verification process.