TATuP – Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis (Mar 2024)
Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors in Berlin: Bürgerinnen- und Bürgergutachten zu wissenschaftlich erstellten Szenarien
As part of this work, a citizens’ assembly was set up to obtain feedback on measures to decarbonize Berlin’s transport sector. The general goal of decarbonization was widely supported. Based on existing studies, discussions were held for private passenger transport, commercial passenger transport, freight transport, and all other transport modes. Agreement could be found on the decarbonization paths for all segments, with the exception of private passenger transport. For the latter, pull measures, like improvements of public transport or bike lanes, are generally accepted, going along with a general desire to switch to non-fossil fuels and to make the transport system in Berlin less car-oriented. Simulations show that pull measures will be far from sufficient to decarbonize private passenger transport. However, more effective push measures, such as higher prices or ban on fossil-fueled vehicles, did not yield clear majorities for this segment.