Environmental Research Letters (Jan 2023)
Rain-fed to irrigation-fed transition of agriculture exacerbates meteorological drought in cropped regions but moderates elsewhere
In recent decades, irrigated agriculture has expanded dramatically over the Southeastern United States (SEUS). The trend is more likely to continue in future given the need to further improve crop productivity and its resilience against droughts, however, the impact of these SEUS land cover changes remains unknown. This study investigates how and to what extent rain-fed to irrigation-fed (RFtoIF) transition in the SEUS region modulates precipitation spatially and temporally under a severe drought meteorological condition. In this study, we perform three Weather Research Forecasting model simulations with varying degrees of irrigated crop areas with meteorological boundary conditions of a record-breaking 2007 drought in the SEUS region. Results show that the SEUS irrigation expansion reduces both the convective triggering potential and low-level humidity index through land-atmospheric interaction. This is accompanied by reduction in the height of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)-lifting condensation level crossing and increase in the convective available potential energy. These modulations within the ABL provide a favorable condition for strong deep convection during the drought period. However, the impact on precipitation is heterogeneous, with crop areas undergoing RFtoIF transition experiencing an overall reduction in precipitation while other landcovers experiencing an increase. The reduction in precipitation over RFtoIF transitioned croplands is in part due to moisture redistribution aided by generation of an anomalous high-pressure system. The results highlight the complexity of response of precipitation to irrigation expansion in the SEUS, and underscore the need to perform spatially-explicit analysis for mitigating risks to water resources and food security.