Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2016)
Liberalizm a dobro wspólne
The article concerns to the relation between liberalism and the concept of the common good. First, the theses of the theory of liberalism were presented, which essential feature is proceduralism (social justice is based on neutrality towards good and contractual rules). On this background, it was shown that an important feature of the state does not have to be neutral, because it leads to the problems in resolving some important issues, such as abortion and marriage. In addition, human life and the right functioning of the state should assume any recognition of the common good. The article mentions four of its ideas: liberal (the common good is the realization of individual freedom), the Aristotelian-Thomistic (the common good is to develop a rational and free potentiality of human nature), Communitarian (associated with Aristotle, but it rather emphasizes the social aspect, such as A. MacIntyre, Ch. Taylor, M. Walzer, A. Etzioni) and the concept of J. Locke (the common good is to maintain life, freedom and ownership of individual persons).