National Journal of Community Medicine (Dec 2019)
Study of Socio Demographic Profile of HIV Positive Patients Seeking Treatment in Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study
Objectives: To study the socio demographic and clinical profile of HIV positive patients seeking treatment in tertiary care hospital. Methods: The present hospital based cross-sectional study was carried out in the ART clinic of Tertiary care Hospital in Central India from February 2018 to October 2018. Total 324 patients above 15 years of age, who were newly diagnosed as HIV positive were included in the study Subjects were interviewed for socio demographic data. Clinical examination was done. Weight and Height were recorded. WHO publication titled “WHO case definitions of HIV, for surveillance and revised clinical staging and immunological classification of HIV-related disease, in adults and children” was used for staging. For confirmation of diagnosis experts opinion from respective specialty was sought. CD 4 count, Sputum for CBNAAT, Sputum for AFB and other relevant investigations eg. USG were obtained from the records. Results: Most of the study subjects were males in 35 – 49 years age group (52.16%) and 69.75% were hindu. Maximum were currently married (62.35%), educated from 6 th to 10 th standard (50.92%), housewives (20.68%) and from class IV socioeconomic status (44.44%). 25.31% of subjects were migrant. Smokeless tobacco use was common habit, overcrowding was present in 43.21% and commonest route of transmission was heterosexual (94.75%). Conclusion: Males from economically productive age group of lower socioeconomic status living in overcrowding, mostly tobacco user and heterosexuals were found. There is a need of health education to halt the transmission of disease.