Escola Anna Nery (Jun 2017)

Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade do Brasil as internship field of Escola Anna Nery (1954-1962)

  • Bárbara Tavares da Silva,
  • Juliana Cabral da Silva Guimarães,
  • Gisele Fernandes Tarma,
  • Tânia Cristina Franco Santos,
  • Antonio José de Almeida Filho,
  • Maria Angélica de Almeida Peres

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 3


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Abstract Objective: To analyze the early years of internship course in psychiatric nursing of the Escola Anna Nery (EAN) at the Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade do Brasil (IPUB). Methodology: Documentary study, which sources were oral and written documents belonging to the collection of EAN. The starting point (1954) refers to the beginning of psychiatric nursing practice activities of EAN at IPUB, and the end point (1962), the year in which was installed a crisis in Psychiatric Nursing discipline. Results: The following thematic categories emerged: Context of the insertion of Psychiatric Nursing internship of EAN in IPUB; Development of training course in Psychiatric Nursing in IPUB; Psychiatric Nursing education crisis in EAN; Developments to overcome the crisis in nursing care in the EAN/IPUB. Conclusion: The presence of EAN in IPUB, provided advances in technical and scientific assistance and in psychiatric nursing education.
