Jurnal Prima Edukasia (Jan 2015)


  • Dewi Anderiani,
  • Insih Wilujeng

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1
pp. 33 – 45


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Subject Spesific Pedagogy (SSP) tematik yang layak; dan menguji keefektifan SSP tematik untuk menanamkan kedisiplinan dan kepedulian pada siswa sekolah dasar kelas II. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Depelopment (R&D) dengan mengacu pada model Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari 10 tahap. Dalam penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap ke 9 yaitu studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, mengembangkan produk awal, uji coba awal, revisi produk utama, uji coba lapangan, revisi terhadap produk operasional, uji coba lapangan produk operasional, dan revisi produk final. Subjek ujicoba adalah siswa kelas II SDN Glagah Yogyakarta. Subjek uji coba satu-satu terdiri atas 3 orang dari kelas II.B, uji coba kelompok kecil terdiri atas 10 siswa dari kelas II.B yang belum terlibat dalam uji coba satu-satu dan uji coba lapangan terdiri atas 56 siswa dari kelas II.A dan II.C. Instrumen pengumpulan data terdiri dari pedoman wawancara, lembar penilaian produk, penilaian SSP oleh guru, lembar pengamatan karakter siswa, angket karakter disiplin, angket karakter peduli dan lembar penilaian. Hasil penelitian ini berupa SSP yang meliputi: silabus, RPP, LKS dan lembar penilaian. Hasil penilaian SSP berupa silabus, RPP, LKS dan lembar penilaian yang dikembangkan berkategori baik. Hasil uji coba produk dinyatakan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar afektif untuk karakter disiplin adalah 91,11 dan peduli adalah 91,82. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa SSP yang dikembangkan layak dan efektif untuk menanamkan kedisiplinan dan kepedulian siswa sekolah dasar kelas II. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEVELOPING THEMATIC SUBJECT SPECIFIC PEDAGOGY TO INCULCATE THE DISCIPLINE AND CARE AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENT OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ABSTRACT This study aims to produce thematic Specific Pedagogy Subject (SSP) which is suitable, and to assess the validity of thematic SSP to inculcate the characters of Grade II students of the elementary school, especially those of discipline and care. This was a Research and Development (R & D) based on Borg & Gall model consist of ten stages. In this research were nine stages only, namely: (1) preliminary study and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product draft development, (4) preliminary field tryout, (5) revision of the tryout result, (6) field tryout, (7) product finalization based the field tryout result, (8) field implementation testing, and (9) final product finalization. The tryout subjects were Grade II students of SDN Glagah Yogyakarta. The one-to-one tryout subjects consisted of three students from Grade II B, the small-group tryout subjects consisted of ten students from Grade II B who were not involved in the one-to-one tryout and the field tryout subjects consisted of 56 students from Grade II A and Grade II C. The instruments of collecting data consisted of the guide of interview, scoring paper on product, the assessment of SSP by teachers, observation paper of students’ characters, questionnaire of discipline, questionnaire of care and scoring paper. The result of the study is in the form of SSP consisting of a syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, and assessment instruments. The results of the evaluation show that the developed syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, developed assessment instruments are good. The results of tryout product it can be concluded the students’ average affective learning outcomes of discipline and care are 91.11 and 91.82 respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed SSP is in the good category and effective to inculcate the discipline and care at the second grade students of elementary school. Keywords: development, SSP, thematic, characters
