Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (Feb 2022)
Image technology based detection of infected shrimp in adverse environments
In recent years, countries around Japan and especially in Southeast Asia, white spot disease (WSD) is highly infectious and severely damages shrimp aquaculture. At the same time, the various diseases are occurring in shrimp farms. In the early stages of infection, shrimp shows three abnormal behaviors: (1) they appear in the shallow waters of the farm, (2) they do not move and do not eat even when feeding, and (3) they suddenly stop moving. Currently, infected shrimps are found by visual inspection, which places a burden on the farmers and delays the discovery. Therefore, in this paper, we proposed a system for detecting infected shrimp by using image processing technology in order to eliminate the delay of discovery and reduce the burden of farmers. According to our experimental results, the proposed system has 95% precision, 100% recall rate and an accuracy of 96.4% by using hold-out evaluation method.