Perspectiva (Sep 2019)
Pedagogical training for gifted and talented students
Inclusion policies and practices require new approaches and challenge to the teachers. With the advent of the inclusion of students with disabilities, disorders and high skills or giftedness in school, a dilemma was created in the type of initial training offered to teachers. In this context, the present study sought to verify and analyze the knowledge in undergraduate students in Pedagogy in relation to the giftedness and talent. This study was an exploratory and descriptive one. The research was carried out in three Institutes of Higher Education (IES) that had undergraduate courses in Pedagogy, such as a federal university, a state university and a private college. The results were that the three IES presented very similar characteristics in relation to the concepts and preparation of the students to deal with giftedness and talent. Besides that, it was noted the training offered to students was not enough and most of them did not feel prepared to teach those students, and the theme was approached a few in the subjects of Special Education. This way it was concluded that reality compromises the initial training of the teachers and collaborates to no policies enforcement and inclusion practices for gifted and talent students at schools.