مجلة الآداب و العلوم الإجتماعية (Jun 2014)

دور"التّوصيات والآراء" في تفعيل تدخّلات السّلطات الإداريّة المستقلّة

  • الهام خرشي

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 01, no. 18
pp. 227 – 236


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The Recommendations and opinions as mechanisms of interventionat the disposel of independent administrative authorities, are one of the aspects of technical legal developments at the procedural level, and that of the content of law, wich coincides with the development that the world has experienced over the past two decades at least, and continues to experience, in all areas ; economic, financiel, administrative, computing and technology, as well as in communications. This type of flexible rules adapted to the interventions of these authorities to exercise their fonction of sectors’ regulation, even if it devoid of the element of obligation wich is the main element in the composent of the classical law, however it benifits from credibility resulting from the convition and trust of the concerned persons in particular and the public opinion more generally.
