Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics ()

Third molars and premolars extraction in conventional orthodontics and in treatments based on maxillary bone remodeling with temporary anchorage: indications and care

  • Alberto Consolaro

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 1
pp. 23 – 31


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ABSTRACT A bone is an anatomic structure in constant remodeling, with different, mutant and wonderfully inconstant designs. With every new and immediate functional demand, there are changes in cortical thickness, trabecular bone density and also in direction and size of trabeculae. Bones' non-stopping search is for adjusting to the functions induced by forces and movements required by a certain life style. Conventional orthodontic planning or with temporary anchorage based on bone remodeling takes into consideration the spaces that are - or may be - occupied by the teeth, in the formation of a functional and esthetic dental arch for the patient. In case it is necessary to extract a tooth and the options are the third molars, partially or totally unerupted, and teeth that belong to other dental groups, obviousness recommends - due to mouth anatomy and physiology, as well as pathologic reasons - extracting the third molars, due to of the several reasons described in the present study.
