ESPOCH Congresses (Sep 2021)
Bromatological and Microbiological Characterization of Andean Tubers Mashwa (Tropaeolum Tuberosum) and Oca (Oxalis Tuberosa)
Abstract The objective of this research was to analyze the bromatological and microbiological composition of Andean tubers, to determine whether their state of maturation influences their composition. Mashwa (Tropaeolum tuberosum) and oca (Oxalis tuberosa) tubers were analyzed. Different degrees of maturation (tender, ripe) were considered. In each analysis, three treatments were carried out, using 100g of sample. The data were analyzed through a two-factor analysis of variance with several samples per group. The average values obtained from the bromatological data of tender mashwa were: 12.33% protein, 0.87% fat, 5.17% ash and 6.41% moisture. The values for mature mashwa were: 15.27% protein, 1.00% fat, 6.74% ash and 5.85% moisture. For tender oca, the values were: 7.47% protein, 0.65% fat, 4.59% ash and 7.03% moisture. Finally, the values for mature oca were 8.92% protein, 0.64% fat, 5.40% ash and 6.03% moisture. In terms of the microbiological evaluation, a minimal presence of the following aerobic bacteria was observed: Stapylococus aureos, coliforms, Eschericha coli. The results showed that the microbiological values for Andean tubers (mashwa and oca) were within the safe parameters, so the tubers are suitable for consumption.