Electric-pulse-induced resistance switching effect in the bulk of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 ceramics
M. L. Wu,
C. P. Yang,
D. W. Shi,
R. L. Wang,
L. F. Xu,
H. B. Xiao,
K. Baerner
M. L. Wu
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Faculty of Physics & Electronic Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, People's Republic of China
C. P. Yang
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Faculty of Physics & Electronic Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, People's Republic of China
D. W. Shi
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Faculty of Physics & Electronic Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, People's Republic of China
R. L. Wang
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Faculty of Physics & Electronic Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, People's Republic of China
L. F. Xu
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Faculty of Physics & Electronic Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, People's Republic of China
H. B. Xiao
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, Faculty of Physics & Electronic Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, People's Republic of China
K. Baerner
Department of Physics, University of Gottingen, F.Hund Platz1, D-37077, Gottingen, Germany
In the majority of contributions, the electrical–pulse-induced resistance (EPIR) switching effect of perovskite manganites is thought to originate from the extrinsic interfacial Schottky barrier between the metal electrode and the surface of sample. In this work, La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (LCMO) ceramic samples were synthesized by solid state reaction and the transport properties, especially, the EPIR effect and memristor behavior were investigated under 4-wire method using silver-glue as electrodes. Although the I-V characteristic of LCMO shows an ohmic linearity under the 4-wire mode at room temperature, a stable and remarkable EPIR can still be observed when the pulse voltage is more than a critical value. This bulk EPIR effect is novel for rare - earth doped manganites.