Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río (Jun 2012)
Relación entre características antropométricas y variables de riesgo vascular en diabéticos tipo 2 Relationship between anthropometric characteristics and its repercussion in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus
La interrelación existente entre obesidad y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 tiene gran importancia clínico-epidemiológica. Se propone como objetivo evaluar en diabéticos tipo 2 la relación entre las características antropométricas y el nivel de riesgo de variables clínicas y bioquímicas. Se estudiaron 120 pacientes, edades 40 a 79 años, de la consulta de diabetes del Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras¨, entre octubre del 2009 y septiembre del 2010. Se evaluaron antecedentes, complementarios, y se realizó examen clínico general. Se determinaron índice de masa corporal (IMC), circunferencia abdominal (CA), tensión arterial (TA), parámetros glucémicos (glucemia en ayunas, postprandial, hemoglobina glucosilada), lípidicos (colesterol, triglicéridos, HDL-C, LDL-C), así como ácido úrico y microalbuminuria y se clasificaron según riesgo vascular en bajo, moderado y alto. Se consideró alto riesgo la obesidad (IMC = de 30 kg/m²sc) y CA aumentada (CAA hombres >102 cm y mujeres > 88) y se relacionaron con el nivel de riesgo predeterminado para el resto de las variables. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente con significación de p The interrelation between obesity and type-2 diabetes mellitus is very important from the clinical and epidemiological view points. This study was aimed at assessing the association between vascular risk and anthropometric variables in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus, where the body-mass index and the abdominal size were evaluated in relation to the presence of chronic vascular complications in these patients. One hundred twenty (120) patients from 40 to 79 years old, attending to the diabetes mellitus office at “Hermanos Ameijeiras” University Hospital from October 2009 to September 2010 were included in the study considering the medical history, complementary and general clinical examinations. Body-mass index, abdominal size (AS), insulinemia and C-peptide were also determined; (IMC ≥ de 30 kg/m2 sc) was taken as obesity risk and the augmented abdominal size (in men >102 cm and in women > 88) and these values were related to vascular complications together with C-peptide and insulinemia on empty stomach. Results were statistically analyzed having a significance of p<0.05. Obesity (48,3%) and abdominal size (67,5%) prevailed. Both, the obese ones and those presenting high C-peptide values and insulinemia showed no differences among them. Vascular chronic complications prevailed in type-2 diabetic patients and in those with augmentation of the abdominal fat.