BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies (Mar 2021)

Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Norway: a cross-sectional survey with a modified Norwegian version of the international questionnaire to measure use of complementary and alternative medicine (I-CAM-QN)

  • Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
  • Sara A. Quandt,
  • Trine Stub

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 1
pp. 1 – 12


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Abstract Background In recent decades complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been widely used worldwide as well as in Norway, where CAM is offered mainly outside the national health care service, mostly complementary to conventional treatment and fully paid for by the patients. With few exceptions, previous research has reported on frequency and associations of total CAM use in Norway rather than on single therapies and products. Therefore, in this present study we will map the use of CAM more precisely, including types of services, products, and self-help practices and further include reasons for use and helpfulness of the specific therapies used based on a modified Norwegian version of the I-CAM-Q (I-CAM-QN). Method Computer assisted telephone interviews using I-CAM-QN were conducted with 2001 randomly selected Norwegians aged 16 and above using multistage sampling in January 2019 with age and sex quotas for each area. Weights based on sex, age, education, and region corrected for selection biases, so that results are broadly representative of the Norwegian population. Descriptive statistics were carried out using Pearson’s Chi-square tests and t-tests to identify group differences. Result CAM use was reported by 62.2% of the participants during the prior12 months. Most participants had used natural remedies (47.4%), followed by self-help practices (29.1%) and therapies received from CAM providers (14.7%). Few of the participants had received CAM therapies from physicians (1.2%). Women were generally more likely to use CAM than men, younger people more likely than older, and participants with lower university education and income more likely than participants without university education, with higher university education and higher income. Mean number of visits per year to the different CAM providers ranged from 3.57 times to herbalists to 6.77 times to healers. Most of the participants found their use of CAM helpful. Conclusion This study confirms that CAM is used by a considerable segment of the Norwegian population. We suspect that the number of participants reporting CAM use is greater when specific therapies are listed in the questionnaire as a reminder (as in the I-CAM-QN) compared to more general questions about CAM use. The CAM modalities used are mainly received from CAM providers operating outside public health care or administered by the participants themselves.