Мінеральні ресурси України (Dec 2021)
The leucogranulite formation and zelenolevadivska siute of the Buh area granulite complex (western part of the Ukrainian shield). Article 1. General information, composition, structure, stratigraphic position
The article continues the discussion of the origin of the leucogranulite formation of the Buh Area granulite complex and the possibility of its isolation as an independent stratigraphic unit – zelenolevadivska suite – in the scheme of the dismemberment of the Lower Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield. This topic was unexpectedly raised in an article by a team of authors [24] after prolonged active use of these units in scientific literature and geological practice. The authors expressed the opinion that the leucogranulite formation is not a stratigenetic formation, but was the result of dynamometamorphism and the accompanying processes of diaphthoresis and quartz-feldspar metasomatism. In this regard, according to the authors, the zelenolevadivska suite should be excluded from the stratigraphic scheme of the Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield. The arguments of the authors of the published article do not seem convincing. The zelenolevadivska suite and granitoids that replace it are widespread in the basement of the south-western part of the Ukrainian shield and occupy about half of its territory. That is why ideas about the origin and structural position of these formations are important for the geological mapping of this region and for understanding its geological structure and evolution. In this regard, this publication presents previously known and new grounds that confirm the initial priority conclusions about the stratigeneous origin of the leucogranulite formation (zelenolevadivska suite) [17]. It has been shown that the leucogranulite formation is represented mainly by leucocratic two-feldspar gneisses and by their subordinate variety of related rocks. On the basis of the differences in the composition of the accompanying rocks, the formation is clearly divided into two parts: the lower, including magnetite-bearing rocks, and the upper – dominant leucocratic gneisses, often transformed into various-looking granitoids. In the stratigraphic scheme of the Ukrainian Shield, these parts of the leucogranulite formation are shown as separate subdivisions – pavlivska (lower) and zelenolevadivska (upper) strata.