Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo Unìversitetu: Serìâ Bìologìâ, Ekologìâ (May 2014)
Bioinformatic approach to correction of negative emotional state in rats
One of the most important problems of modern society is the growth of aggression which leads to crimes, sadism, violence and other antisocial actions. Therefore, the study of the mechanisms of development of aggressive behavior and negative aggressive reactions is extremely urgent. Thus, in order to correct the aggressive behavior it is extremely important to develop new methodological approaches. Previous studies have shown that the brain biopotentials provide functional transfer of information. With the help of magnetic or other information carrier, the information can be stored and transmitted remotely from the donor to the recipient and, in that way, can control the behavior of the animal body. Using of biological programs, expressed via the brain biopotentials at their minimum voltage (which is indicated by the amplitude of the frequency spectrum of electrical oscillations in the EEG), it can give therapeutic effect. The aim of the paper is studying of the neurobiological mechanisms of aggressive behavior and usage of bioinformatic programs expressed via the potentials of the brain. In the course of the experiments, we have shown the possibility to use the ventromedial hypothalamic stimulation as a realistic model of negative emotional state. In this model, behavioral indexes (reactions of avoidance, increased vocalizations, negative grooming) correlated with the indexes of electrical activity of brain structures of emotional limbic-neocortical system (numerous epileptiform paroxysms, sharp shocks and complexes with epi components of peak-theta and peak-delta type). The introduction of information expressed in biopotentials of the positive emotional ventrolateral hypothalamus of the brain of donor rat to recipient rats with a model negative emotional state leads to balancing of emotional homeostasis, resulting in disappearance of convulsive components and diffuse affective paroxysms in EEG, and also in manifestations of positive grooming and tranquility. This method of emotional homeostasis correction is suggested as a new method for correction of emotional disorders and is expected to be effective for the further study.