BMC Bioinformatics (Jun 2020)
Hap10: reconstructing accurate and long polyploid haplotypes using linked reads
Abstract Background Haplotype information is essential for many genetic and genomic analyses, including genotype-phenotype associations in human, animals and plants. Haplotype assembly is a method for reconstructing haplotypes from DNA sequencing reads. By the advent of new sequencing technologies, new algorithms are needed to ensure long and accurate haplotypes. While a few linked-read haplotype assembly algorithms are available for diploid genomes, to the best of our knowledge, no algorithms have yet been proposed for polyploids specifically exploiting linked reads. Results The first haplotyping algorithm designed for linked reads generated from a polyploid genome is presented, built on a typical short-read haplotyping method, SDhaP. Using the input aligned reads and called variants, the haplotype-relevant information is extracted. Next, reads with the same barcodes are combined to produce molecule-specific fragments. Then, these fragments are clustered into strongly connected components which are then used as input of a haplotype assembly core in order to estimate accurate and long haplotypes. Conclusions Hap10 is a novel algorithm for haplotype assembly of polyploid genomes using linked reads. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated in a number of simulation scenarios and its applicability is demonstrated on a real dataset of sweet potato.