Revista Internacional de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia (Mar 2014)
Nuevos modelos de soberanía. Kosovo y la soberanía irrelevante
The question of sovereignty, though constantly evolving, has an enormous relevance both in the legal and the academic fields, and in the world of the Realpolitik. In the case of Kosovo it is possible to conclude that the question of sovereignty turns of less relevance than governance given that at least between 1999 and 2008 there is no state that can actually neither exercise it nor assert the competences and attributes attached to it. After the military intervention of NATO, United Nations deployed territorial administration which placed all the attributes of sovereignty and the instruments of power in the hands of foreign changing agents, unrelated to the territory and to the society of Kosovo. State authority is replaced and superseded by the functional authority of an international body that manages and governs the territory.