HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies (May 2007)
Etiek en teologie – ʼn aktuele bespreking van Marinus Schoeman se “Generositeit en lewenskuns”: Grondtrekke van ʼn post-Nietzscheaanse etiek
Ethics and Theology – a discussion of the relevance of Marinus Schoeman’s book: “Generosity and the art of living”: The basics of a post-Nietzschean ethics This article grew from a review on Schoeman’s book to a review article in which an actual presentation is given of some of the most important issues in comparison to a Christian viewpoint. The following topics are discussed: Resentment; Revaluation of all values; Purpose driven universe; Critique of moral values; The aristocrat; Hannah Arendt’s view on the public-political realm and private sphere; Plurality and conformity.