International Journal of Tamil Language and Literary Studies (Jan 2022)
இலங்கைச் சித்தரது ஆன்மிகப் படைப்பிலக்கியம் புலப்படுத்தும் சிவ தொண்டு (யோகர் சுவாமிகளது நற்சிந்தனை நூலினை முன்னிலைப்படுத்திய ஆய்வு) / The Explication of Shiva Devotion from the Divine Treatise of Ilangai Siddar (A Research Based on the Book of Ethics by Yogar Swami)
The Siddhar sect has been deep-rooted in the Tamil world for a long time. The famous poet Mahakavi Bharati prides himself on being a Siddhan from the Mulan tradition. The thoughts of the Siddhars are notable among the periodical records. Sivayoga Siddhar, who came from the Siddhar tradition in Sri Lanka, is a great Siddhar spoken not only in Sri Lanka but also in many countries like the United States. Hawai Atheena (Pontif) Sadhguru was also a spiritual sage who revived the minds of over two million Sri Lankans in 1998 during the reign of Sivaya Subramania Swami. Many changes in human life have been caused by scientific development, rapid living conditions, and civilization. Thus, today is surrounded by confusion, turmoil, biological problems, worries etc. In this context, the author's expectation is to convey to the community the benefits of Shiva worship and the charitable practices both religious and social to ensure harmony and peace.