Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University (Jan 2017)
Piece Goods Design on Grounds of Slutsk Belt
The main subject of this study is development of piece-goods, based on the artistic concept of authentic Slutsk belts, and on technological developments resulting from the reconstruction of historical Slutsk belts in modern weaving machinery RUE «Slutsk Belts». The developed products aimed at the creation of the Belarusian national cultural brand, which can be replicated in different variations, along with the revival of unique authentic Slutsk belts. Analysis of historical belts defined direction for the organization of the composite structure and plastic forms in the following types of souvenirs: the tab for books, the scarf, panels. The issues of technology and structure of products were discussed in previous studies of structure of the historical belts. Presented piece-goods are tried and tested and implemented in production process at RUE «Slutsk Belts».