Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas (Dec 2007)

The fishery migrant and the urban space

  • Marta Goreth Marinho Lima

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 3
pp. 33 – 49


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In this paper, we understand that the process of migration, beyond geographic change, also implies cultural change. The aim of the paper therefore, is to verify which cultural traces remain and/or are redefined by the migrants in the city and which meaning they possess in their daily life. The methodological path includes fieldwork and direct observations, interviews and telling of life stories. As a research instrument, I use the stories of the migrants as an understanding of the relations and processes described and collected. The migrants in study make frequent use of reciprocity relations as the social principle that strengthens the mutual aid and solidarity in the work of fishing, in emotional difficulties, as well as in the ceremonial use of medicinal plants in the treatment of several kinds of minor illnesses such as fever and cold.
