Foul smelling urine in an adult caused by Aerococcus urinae
Felix Geeraedts,
Carmen Stoffers,
Henk Smidt,
Maarten Schijffelen
Felix Geeraedts
Laboratory for Medical Microbiology and Public Health, Hengelo, the Netherlands; Correspondence to: Laboratorium Microbiologie Twente Achterhoek (LabMicTA), Boerhaavelaan 59, 7555 BB Hengelo, Overijssel, the Netherlands.
Carmen Stoffers
Laboratory for Medical Microbiology and Public Health, Hengelo, the Netherlands
Henk Smidt
General Practice de Es, Hengelo, the Netherlands
Maarten Schijffelen
Laboratory for Medical Microbiology and Public Health, Hengelo, the Netherlands
We describe the first adult case with Aerococcus urinae positive urine cultures as the proven cause of recurrent socially disabling malodorous urine. Bacterial strain specific factors as well as host factors are shown to play a role. The condition can be resolved with proper antibiotics.