Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Sep 2015)

ТРУДНОЩІ АДАПТАЦІЇ ІНОЗЕМНИХ СТУДЕНТІВ ДО МОВНОГО СЕРЕДОВИЩА УКРАЇНИ / The Difficulty Adapting of Foreign Students to the Linguistic Environment of Ukraine

  • Вилка Лідія

Journal volume & issue
no. 3(7)
pp. 78 – 82


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Вылка Л. Трудности адаптации иностранных студентов к языковой среде Украины. В статье осуществлено анализ современного обеспечения социокультурной адаптации иностранных студентов, раскрыто главные трудности во время адаптационного процесса, установлено три главных уровня адаптации, а также предложено пути решения проблем адаптации. В работе акцентировано внимание на трех этапах адаптации личности в новое макро- и микро среду, а также на трудностях адаптационного периода. В статье отмечено, что во время адаптации иностранных студентов к языковой среде Украины более действенной и эффективной можна cчитать такую организацию обучения, которая б обеспечивала вовлечение студентов к коммуникативной деятельности, потому что сам процесс общения усложненный многими факторами. Ключевые слова: адаптация, билингвизм, инновационные технологии, социально-психологическая ситуация, интернационализация. Vylka L. THE DIFFICULTY ADAPTING OF FOREIGN STUDENTS TO THE LINGUISTIC ENVIRONMENT OF UKRAINE. This paper analyzes the contemporary problems of socio-cultural adaptation that foreign students have to face in nowedays Ukraine. The major difficulties during the adaptation process and the ways of solving the problems of adaptation are considered on three main levels. The paper focuses on the three stages of entering the new individual macro and microenvironment and the difficulties arising on each of these stages. It has been indicated in the paper that during the adaptation of foreign students to the linguistic environment of Ukraine the most effective and efficient organization there should be considered the study, which would ensure the involvement of students in communicative activities, with consideration of factors which complicate the communication process. The effectiveness of the process of formation of communicative skills may also be provided by engaging students in activities that stimulate the process of studying and creates conditions for professionally oriented communication. In addressing these issues it would be appropriate to introduce such elements of communication as situational broadcasting and communication blocks. When it comes to mastering professional terminology, this process can be based on examples of speech situations and dialogues as well as polylogue. As for the speech situations, a necessary condition is that it should be made in the manner close to the natural conditions of communication and encourage the student to speech activity. It is appropriate to create communicative situations in the form of a dialogue, because it provides a natural and full use of audio and speech skills. Dialogues can be dedicated to different subjects. For example: 1) conversation between doctor and patient in the hospital; 2) conversation between the pharmacist and the buyer in pharmacy; 3) conversation between the seller and the buyer in the store; 4) the cashier and the customer conversation and more. In this form the foreign students learns to express their thoughts, opinions about various life situations obtain the necessary information. Well and skillfully organized conversation or discussion may facilitate in the highest degree the introduction and practical operationalization of the new linguo-cultural knowledge and experience in the shotest terms. In our view, through the work of such technique there may achieved the most active mastering of terminology and professional vocabulary by the students of medical specialties. Keywords: adaptation, bilingualism, innovative technology, socio-psychological situation internationalization.
