دراسات: العلوم التربوية (Jun 2021)

The Effectiveness of Distance Learning in Teaching Students with Special Needs during COVID-19 Pandemic in the State of Qatar

  • Ghadeer Almustafa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 2


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This study aims to identify the effectiveness of distance learning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic for students with special needs in the State of Qatar from the point of view of their families and special education teachers and their attitudes towards it. The study population consisted of all workers in the field of special education and families of children with special needs for the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020. The study sample consisted of (132) teachers in the field of special education and (57) families of students with special needs chosen randomly. A questionnaire that consisted of twenty items was designed to measure the effectiveness of distance learning. In addition, a scale for attitudes towards distance learning that consisted of (18) items was also used. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤ 0.05) in the effectiveness of distance learning in favor of workers in special education. The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences according to the number of years of experience for special education teachers in favor of those with more experience. The results showed that the attitude of workers and families of people with special needs was positive towards learning. The study recommends adopting distance learning technology in teaching and providing material capabilities and appropriate conditions in educational environments to apply this type of learning.
