Studiul Artelor şi Culturologie: Istorie, Teorie, Practică (Jun 2017)
Some stylistic and interpretive particularities in the folk repertory of The fiddler violinist Alexandru Bidirel
In this article there will be highlighted the personality of Alexander Bidirel, a violinist fiddler of oral tradition from Bucovina, who worked in the mid-twentieth century. In the Romanian ethnomusicology we can find limited data about the technique and interpretative mastery of the traditional instrumental repertoire, which is individualized by stylistic zonal, subzonal sonorities etc., as well as through individual interpretative styles (which represent a personality). In this context, by exposing the respective information, we will put in circuit a series of information regarding the technical interpretation of the traditional music from Bukovina, but also the repertoire promoted by the remarkable personality, adhering thus to the completion of the traditional sound landscape from the researched space, as well as to the documentation and the scientific exploitation of the exposed material.