Revista Argentina de Microbiología (Sep 2010)
Análisis microbiológico, epidemiológico y evolución clínica de los pacientes con bacteriemia en el Hospital Zonal de Esquel en el período 2007-2009 Microbiological and epidemiological analysis, and clinical outcome of patients with bloodstream infection from an Esquel hospital in the period 2007-2009
Con el objetivo de analizar los episodios de bacteriemia, se revisaron los informes de los hemocultivos y las historias clínicas de 867 pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Zonal de Esquel en un período de 29 meses. La incidencia de bacteriemias significativas fue de 10/1000 admisiones/año. El 47% fueron bacteriemias adquiridas en la comunidad (BAC), el 22% fueron bacteriemias nosocomiales (BNO) y el 31% fueron bacteriemias asociadas al cuidado de salud (BACS). Los 5 grupos de microorganismos predominantes fueron Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. y estafilococos coagulasa negativos. Los focos infecciosos más comunes fueron el respiratorio, el abdominal y desconocido. S. pneumoniae prevaleció en las BAC y S. aureus en las BNO y en las BACS. La terapia antibiótica empírica inicial inefectiva (ATBI) alcanzó el 26,5% de los casos, y fue mayor en las BNO y las BACS que en las BAC (p In order to evaluate the bacteremic episodes, the blood cultures performed in 867 patients during a 29-month period were reviewed. The incidence of significant bloodstream infections was 10/1000 admissions/year. About 47% of bacteremias were community-acquired (CAB), 22% nosocomial (NB), and 31% health care-associated (HCAB). The five most common pathogens were: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and coagulase-negative staphylococci, whereas the main sources were: respiratory, intraabdominal and unknown. The major organism in CAB was S. pneumoniae, and S. aureus in NB and HCAB. The ineffective empirical-antimicrobial-therapy [IEAT (total 26.5%)] was much higher in NB and HCAB vs. CAB (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in mortality and IEAT between known vs. unknown sources. Old age (≥ 70 yrs), previous antibiotic therapy, hospitalization in clinical medical services, Enterococcus spp. and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus isolates were more associated with IEAT (p < 0.05). Previous antibiotic therapy and longer hospital stays were more common in NB vs. CAB and HCAB (p < 0.05). Overall and septicemia-associated mortality was 28.9% and 21.7%, respectively. Univariate associations with increased mortality (p < 0.05) included: hypothermia, WBC < 1499/mm³, hypotension, presentation with septic-shock, hospital-stay ≤ 10 days, and polymicrobial bacteremia. The early administration of effective empirical antimicrobial therapy according to our epidemiological characteristics and an aggressive hemodynamic treatment in presence of septic shock could reduce bacteremia-associated morbidity and mortality, costs and length of hospital stays.