Česká Literatura (Jun 2024)

„Paralelní psaní“ a proces konstituování „literárního faktu“. Případ korespondence Ludvíka Vaculíka s Helenou Bukovanskou v době dokončování románu Český snář

  • Hana Kosáková

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 72, no. 3
pp. 271 – 293


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“Parallel writing” and the process of constituting “literary fact”. The case of the correspondence between Helena Bukovanská and Ludvík Vaculík as he was finishing the novel Český snář. --- Using material from the mutual correspondence between Ludvík Vaculík and Helena Bukovanská, this study aims to shed light on some aspects of the genesis of the novel Český snář [A Czech Dreambook] and Vaculík’s artistic method in general. A number of practices from the field of correspondence permeate the writer’s original artistic work. The constitution of literary fact is shown through three kinds of textual and thematic intersections between personal letters and the novel: separate texts dealing with the same theme, paraphrases, and finally, on the basis of two letters which, after the modifications analysed in the study, went into the final text of the novel.
