Rona Teknik Pertanian (Apr 2019)

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Ragi dan Lama Fermentasi terhadap Kadar Air, Kadar Protein dan Organoleptik pada Tempe dari Biji Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L)

  • Ruka Yulia,
  • Arif Hidayat,
  • Amri Amin,
  • Sholihati Sholihati

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 1
pp. 50 – 60


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Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi ragi, lama fermentasi dan interaksi antara konsentrasi dan lama fermentasi terhadap mutu tempe biji melinjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan dua faktor yang terdiri dari 3 level dengan 2 kali ulangan. Konsentrasi ragi (R) sebanyak 3 level R1 = 1%, R2 = 2%, R3 = 3%. Lama fermentasi (F) sebanyak 3 level F1 = 18 jam, F2 = 24 jam, dan F3 = 36 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi ragi berpengaruh nyata (P 0,05) terhadap warna dan tidak berpengaruh (P 0,05) nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar protein, rasa, aroma dan tekstur tempe biji melinjo. Lama fermentasi berpengaruh nyata (P 0,05) terhadap kadar air dan kadar protein tidak berpengaruh nyata (P 0,05) terhadap warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur tempe biji melinjo. Interaksi antara konsentrasi ragi dan lama fermentasi (RF) tidak berpengaruh nyata (P 0,05) terhadap kadar air, kadar protein, warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur tempe biji melinjo. Perlakuan terbaik pada konsentrasi ragi 1% dan lama fermentasi 24 jam (R1F2) dengan kadar air 69,72%, kadar protein 4,69%, warna 3,90 (suka), rasa 4,08 (suka), aroma 4,03 (suka) dan tekstur 3,95 (suka). The Influence of Yeast Concentration and Fermentation Time on Moisture Content, Protein Content and Organoleptic on Tempeh from Melinjo Seeds (Gnetum Gnemon L) Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of yeast concentration, fermentation time and interaction between concentration and fermentation time on the quality of melinjo seed tempeh. This study uses factorial completely randomized design (RAL) consisting of two factors and three levels with two replications. Yeast concentrations (R) are R1 = 1%, R2 = 2%, R3 = 3%. The fermentation times (F) are F1 = 18 hours, F2 = 24 hours, and F3 = 36 hours. The results showed that the yeast concentration had a significant effect (P 0.05) on the color and had no effect (P 0.05) on moisture content, protein content, taste, aroma and texture of melinjo seed tempeh. The fermentation time had a significant effect (P 0.05) on the moisture and protein content and had no effect (P 0.05) on the color, aroma, taste and texture of melinjo seed tempeh. The interaction between yeast concentration and fermentation time (RF) did not have a significant effect (P 0.05) on moisture content, protein content, color, aroma, taste and texture of melinjo seed tempeh. The best treatment was obtained at yeast concentration of 1% and 24-hour fermentation time (R1F2) with a moisture content of 69.72%, protein content 4.69%, color 3.90 (likes), taste 4.08 (likes), aroma 4.03 (likes) and texture 3.95 (likes).
