Анналы клинической и экспериментальной неврологии (Feb 2017)
Recurrent facial nerve neuropathies: clinical, electrophysiological and molecular analysis
We present results of clinical and electrophysological analysis of34 patients with recurrent facial neuropathy (rFN). Its frequency(10.9%) among all forms of facial neuropathies was determined,and clinical and EMG characteristics, as well as possiblerisk factors, were described. A separate group of familial rFN wasidentified, and these patients exhibited high percentage of subclinicalperipheral nerve involvement. Positive family history,presence of relapses and electroneurographic features allowed tosuspect hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy inthese patients. However, molecular analysis of the РМР22 genefailed to reveal a typical gene deletion. These results leave openthe question about etiology and pathophysiologic mechanismsof rFN and warrant further studies of genetic defect underlyinga familial form of rFN.