Gong-kuang zidonghua (Mar 2016)
Ventilator remote monitoring technology of coal mine based on mobile Internet
For hidden danger caused by cold standby mode of coal mine ventilator and single bus segmentation operation mode of power supply system at present, a series of research work were introduced about switchover without blowing-out of ventilator, air door design, power safety of ventilator, redundancy of ventilator monitoring system, fault diagnosis of ventilator, etc. Application of corresponding research achievements improves safe operation level and automation degree of coal mine ventilator. Since ventilator room locates on remote places and ventilator monitoring system is easy to falling into information isolated island, a remote monitoring system of coal mine ventilator based on mobile Internet was built by use of corresponding mobile Internet technologies. Function design of mobile client of the system and program design of client and server based on Socket communication were introduced in details. The system collects data from PLC by use of GPRS-DTU module and uploads the data to server through GPRS network, which realizes remote monitoring function of ventilator anytime and anywhere through Socket communication between server and mobile client.