Content Analysis of Patriotic Telegram Channel Readovka: Statistics and Research Prospects
Patriotic Telegram channels have been gaining popularity and social influence since February 2022, which makes them a relevant research material. The authors applied the method of statistical analysis to patriotic Telegram channels using the example of Readovka with its 2.3 million subscribers. The channel publishes news related to cultural, social, and political life in the Russian Federation. Readovka’s approach to news presentation differs from other patriotic channels. The authors used TGStat to analyze the popularity and specifics of the content. The program provided a quick and accurate method of content analysis. The material involved statistical results for eight general parameters, the publication coverage for December 1, 2023 (three parameters), and subscribers’ engagement on that day (three parameters). The method proved suitable for a comprehensive analysis of Telegram channels. The prospects include identification and analysis of patriotic discourses and influencers, as well as the effect of patriotic Telegram channels on political activity and mobilization. Other options involve deeper research into the means of communication and manipulation, content moderation, disinformation, cross-cultural comparison, etc.