Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia (Apr 2020)
Weaving the knowledge about the order Aranae with students of 7th grade of a public school the city Ponta Grossa - state of Paraná
The teaching of science is related to the formation of critical citizens, aligned the construction and expansion of scientific knowledge from the early school years. The difficulties of elementary school students emerge as they can not associate how content can be applied in their daily life, or even when they create preconceptions about the subject. The current work was based on the assumption that copies of the Order Araneae are commonly viewed negatively by students. The objective was to verify this pre-conception, and to demystify misconceptions about these animals. Performing theoretical and practical interventions allowed a greater understanding of the students about morphology, behavioral aspects and emphasized the ecological importance of this group. It was found that many students has presented stereotypes about spider, although during the project it was possible to observe a new construction of scientific knowledge and the development of the teaching and learning process.