Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Филология: Журналистика (Mar 2023)
Genre focus in the works by professor T. M. Akimova
The article provides the retrospect review of the works by professor T. M. Akimova (Saratov State University). It highlights the researcher’s interest in the poetic character of the folklore and literature genres both on a standalone basis and in their interaction. The existence of this interest is defi ned as the focus of T. N. Akimova’s research based on the review of the work carried out in the fi eld of three types of philology: drama, epos, and lyric poetry, as well as on the appreciation of her work by her colleagues, specialists from other universities, and students. The article considers her contribution to the study of poetic genres of drama, epos, and lyric poetry starting from her fi rst publications and including her last works in the year when she passed away – 1987. The review of her works began with the articles related to her PhD dissertation – folklore drama – which was presented in 1943. In the 1970−1980s, T. M. Akimova focused her research on the folklore character of A. N. Ostrovsky’s plays. Also, a review is presented, covering the author’s works, which demonstrate her contribution to the research of poetics of epic genres: prose (popular tales, the fairytales of Saratov Region, and Pushkins’s fairytales; non-fairytale prose – popular tales about Chapaev and P. P. Bazhov’s tales) and lyrical epics (Russian epic ballades (bylinas) and southern Slavic epic songs). Lyrical poetry is in the focus of Akimova’s study on genre poetics. T. M. Akimova is considered to have made a signifi cant contribution to the study of almost all layers and variations of the lyrical poetry in 1940–1980s. It is confi rmed that experts recognize T. M. Akimova’s particularly prominent contribution to the studying of male poetry. The list of references captures as fully as possible the works of T. M. Akimova on the folklore and literature genre poetics with the dates of their fi rst publications.