EPJ Web of Conferences (Oct 2010)
65Cu(d,p)66Cu excitation function at deuteron energies up to 20 MeV
The proton and deuteron induced reactions have a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components. Such data are needed for estimation of the potential radiation hazard from the accelerating cavities and beam transport elements. Continuing previous irradiation experiments on copper, we provided two short run to obtain cross-section data for 65Cu(d, p)66Cu reaction. We carried out irradiation experiments with the variable-energy cyclotron U-120M of the Nuclear Physics Institute Řež. The stacked-foil technique was utilized. Because of a relatively short half life (T1/2 = 5, 120 min) and a strong annihilation peak, we placed the 1 cm Pb plate between the irradiated sample and the gamma-ray detector to reduce the dead time. The absolute values of cross-sections were calculated from the induced activities measured by the calibrated HPGe detector. The comparison of present results with data of other authors and prediction of different libraries and model calculation is discussed.