Journal of Education, Health and Sport (Jan 2019)

Parent's attitude to vaccinations

  • Natalia Świątoniowska,
  • Paulina Tylak,
  • Kathie Sarzyńska,
  • Anna Rozensztrauch

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1


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Introduction. Vaccination is an important primary prevention of infectious diseases. Their main task is to prevent infectious diseases and their complications. High excretion causes the development of collective resistance, extremely important in reducing the risk of disease of the entire population. According to the WHO, vaccinations save around 2.5 million people a year. The negative perception of vaccination by parents can be an important barrier during making vaccination decisions. The aim of the study was to assess the parents' relation to immunization. Material and methods. 98 people were examined: 91 women and 7 men from July to October 2018 using the CAWI method. The own questionnaire consisted of two parts - sociodemographic and parental relation to protective vaccinations. Results. In the comparative analysis people living in the city significantly more often thought about the legitimacy of vaccinations adopted in childhood compared to people living in rural areas (59.7% vs. 40.3%, p=0.021), while people with secondary education level significantly less often compared to people with higher and professional education level (63.4% vs. 37% vs. 33.3%, p=0.022). Parents with one child were less likely to recall vaccinations for reasons other than illness or allergy compared to parents of two or three / four children (14.3% vs. 23.9% vs. 16.7%, p=0.012, respectively). Parents with two children were more often convinced that the diseases they prevent vaccination are not serious compared to the parents of one or three / four children (respectively 15.2% vs. 9.5% vs. 0, p=0.020). Gender, age, occupational activity and occupation did not differentiate the group's opinion in a statistically significant manner (p> 0.05). Conclusions. Secondary education, living in the countryside and having one child had positive impact on the parents' opinion on immunization of children. The parents' attitude did not depend on age, sex, professional activity and occupation.
