Сучасний стан наукових досліджень та технологій в промисловості (Dec 2020)
Subject of research: the process of monitoring the quality indicators of a computer network of a forensic information system using methods for increasing the frequency resolution of acousto-optic spectrum analyzers. The aim of this work is the possibility of increasing the QoS indicators of a computer network by achieving the potential accuracy of estimating the frequencies of two simultaneously arriving radio pulses using the super-Rayleigh resolution method in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers (AOSA). The following tasks are solved in the article: analysis of various information systems of forensic examination and the tasks that they solve; analysis of the use of acousto-optic spectrum analyzers to determine the parameters of the transmitted signal in a distributed forensic system; derivation of an analytical expression for evaluating the potential accuracy of the frequency detuning value of two pulses. The following methods and models are used: models and methods of systems theory (based on the information approach), models and methods for constructing distributed systems and their components in accordance with various hierarchical levels of their organization and operating conditions; models and methods of theories of propagation and interaction of electromagnetic waves with wave structures of various physical nature. The following results were obtained: The analysis has established that forensic information systems are distributed in nature and impose high requirements on the quality of the functioning of telecommunications equipment of the corresponding computer networks (CN). To meet these requirements, it is necessary to improve the systems for monitoring, protecting and transmitting information in the corresponding CN, which is impossible without solving the problem of monitoring signal parameters. Research has been carried out on the use of AOSA to ensure control over communication channels of computer networks. It was found that most of the AOSA frequency resolution methods have limitations associated with the Rayleigh criterion, which significantly limits the potential for frequency separation of pulses. The use of the method of super-Rayleigh resolution of narrow-band pulses in terms of their arrival time is proposed. An analytical expression is obtained to estimate the potential accuracy of determining the value of the detuning in the frequency of two pulses. Conclusions. The forensic information system is a complex heterogeneous distributed system. To improve the efficiency of its functioning, it is necessary to control the parameters of the signal propagating in the network. The use of the super-Rayleigh resolution method in AOSA will increase the resolution of AOSA by increasing the frequency resolution of two non-simultaneous radio pulses of long duration.