Клинический разбор в общей медицине (Aug 2021)

Morphological substrate and clinical manifestations of neurosurgical conditions

  • Leonid B. Likhterman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 8
pp. 27 – 31


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Frequent dissociations between morphological substrate and clinical manifestations of the disorder were analyzed. Noninvasive neuroimaging techniques created the opportunity for the life-time verification of incidental findings, which resulted in development of the new area, preventive neurosurgery. Systematization, diagnosis, and criteria for the surgical treatment of incidental findings in neurosurgery are reported. It had been emphasized that while the brain and spinal cord disorder recognition during the preclinical period can only be accomplished based on imaging data, the decision on the management and treatment strategy in apparently healthy individuals has to be clinical-philosophical, and has to be made in view of the subsequent quality of life.
