Zero-a-seis (May 2018)

In the name of care, protection and education: childhood, body, gender and sexuality as discourses among preschool teachers

  • Raquel Gonçalves Salgado,
  • Paula Fernanda Martins-Garcia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 37
pp. 112 – 124


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This article aims to comprehend the discourses, shared with preschool teachers, of an Early Childhood Education public institution, about childhood body, focusing on the ways these are interconnected with practices of education, care, protection and how they are crossed by gender and sexuality perspectives. As theoretical references, we highlight the childhood studies, as well as Michel Foucault, David Le Breton, Donna Haraway and Judith Butler analysis, which, despite of their theoretical diversities, permit to comprehend body, gender and sexuality in a discursive dimension. Teachers' discourses refer to practices of care, education and gender relations experienced in everyday life of this institution, which bring up questions on child’s body, in its more intensive alterity in relation to adult, civilized and disciplined body.
