Pallas (Apr 2021)
Des dynasties de notables ? La mise en scène du prestige familial dans les inscriptions honorifiques d’Asie Mineure à l’époque impériale
Based on a large sample of inscriptions from Asia Minor, this paper develops a quantitative approach to the display of kinship by individuals honoured with titles. Next to their names, these individuals may refer, in a more or less developed way, to their ascendants, descendants, in-laws and/or collaterals. The study aims both at evaluating the frequency of such references and determining relevant criteria for the display of kinship. In the context of the representation (or self-representation) of the elites, this practice proves to be quite marginal, and inscriptions that underline the existence of dynasties of notables, dominating the public scene of their city over several generations, are very much in the minority with regard to the overall documentation.