Salud Pública de México (Jan 2003)
Masculinidad, sexualidad, poder y violencia: análisis de significados en adolescentes The meanings of masculinity, sexuality, power, and violence among adolescents
OBJETIVO: Analizar, en relación con esquemas de masculinidad y poder, significados que en torno a violencia sexual tienen adolescentes escolares de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio cualitativo hecho en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, entre 1998 y 2000 con 155 informantes alumnos/as de secundaria y preparatoria; indagación: entrevistas grupofocales (12 grupos), dos sesiones de dos horas; instrumentos: guías, entrevista y observación; registro: notas y audiograbación; análisis: transcripción, categorización, codificación, construcción matricial e interpretación. RESULTADOS: Conceptualización simbólica explicativa: constructivista vs naturalista, postura moral heterónoma y de intercambio inicipiente hacia respeto y derechos humanos. Asociada más con violación. Ellas, víctimas reales y potenciales, ellos violentos por naturaleza o provocación, victimas sólo si: niños, poco hombres u homosexuales. Se analizan motivos, poder, negativa femenina, denuncia, consecuencias, manejo y prevención. CONCLUSIONES: Violencia sexual simbolizada dentro de controversia explicativa y moral. Valores ideológicos de masculinidad legitiman, legal y judicialmente, algo impune. Importante considerar significación social y participación adolescente en investigaciones e intervenciones.OBJECTIVE: To analize perceived meanings of masculinity and power related to sexual violence among adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A qualitative study was carried out between 1998 and 2000 in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Mexico, among 155 junior high and high school male/female students. Information was collected from 12 focal groups in two-hour sessions. Data collection instruments included: interviews, observation, and instruction guides. Data were recorded using notes and tape recordings. Oral and written information was transcribed, categorized, and coded, in order to construct matrixes and interpret results. RESULTS: Symbolic explanatory concepts related with rape included: constructivism vs. naturalism, heteronomous moral posture, and early exchange towards respect and human rights. Females were perceived as the real and potential victims. Males were perceived as violent by nature or under challenge, and prone to be victimized only if they were children, unmanly, or homosexual. Analysis objects included motives, power, female´ refusal, accusation, consequences, management, and prevention. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual violence is symbolized within the realm of explanatory and moral controversy. The ideological values of masculinity legitimate both legal and judiciary impunity. Social meanings and adolescent participation should be considered in research and interventions.